Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Some small life details:

This morning I woke up to a crowing rooster and a neighbor blasting Celine Dion’s “My Heart Will Go On.”  Old 90’s pop music is very popular here.

Cars run on duct tape and miracles.

This is where Good Will clothes come for their last rites.  All those clothes you throw in a donation pile?  Yeah, they end up here.  That’s how you get five-year-olds with shirts that say “Fuck the Clock” and Mitt Romney for President.  It provides endless entertainment.

I picked up a worm yesterday and chased my sisters out of the compound with it.  That was fun.

The head is your basic carry-all.  Yesterday, my host mother needed both her hands to hang the laundry, so she put the wet clothes she was hanging on her head to hold them.  

All the dogs look the same, but I don't really want to touch them.

I have inherited a cat with my house in Damanko.  I decided that her name will be Starbucks.

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